Letter from Adrian Boult to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No. VWL2856

Letter from Adrian Boult to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL2856

The British Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcasting House, London, W.1

10 December 1948

My dear Frank

What a gift! I was afraid the old rascal had destroyed it – as he is, I hear, threatening to do with most of his M.S.S.1
I am of course thrilled to have it, & shall treasure it with the London which is at the moment, in the Bank, pending a removal.  By the bye – he had the London bound up for me with the old pages showing that third subject in the last movement which he later dropped altogether. Colles used to borrow it occasionally to show his class at the R.C.M., & if you ever hear of anyone who would like it for that sort of purpose – or possibly for publication in facsimile (it shows all the versions), I shall be delighted & honoured to lend it.2
Many thanks.

Adrian C Boult

1.  Boult was the dedicatee of Job, Catalogue of Works 1930/1. He had been sent the autograph score of the work (see VWL2854). The manuscript is now in the British Library, Add MS 54326.
2.  This manuscript of the London Symphony, Catalogue of Works 1913/5, reconstructed after the loss of the original full score by four friends of VW, is now in the British Library, Add MS 51317A-D.