Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No. VWL2854

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL2854

The White Gates,

8th December, 1948.

Dear Frank,

Thank you for the score of the Symphony1. The only names to which I want to send copies which are likely to double yours are Roy Douglas and Müller Hartmann. Could you let me know if you have already sent to them?
As regards the full score of  “Job”2 I shall be very grateful if you can send it straight to Sir Adrian saying that it is sent at my request.
Yours sincerely,

R. Vaughan Williams

P.S. The other day I had a letter from a man in Australia who was unable to buy a set of parts of my “Concerto accademico” – I have a set ( which I shd like to give him if that wd be in order.3

1.  The full score of the Sixth Symphony (Catalogue of Works 1947/3) had just been published.
2.  Catalogue of Works 1930/5. The composer’s autograph score, subsequently presented by Boult to the British Library. See VWL2856 where Boult acknowledges receipt from Frank.
3.  Catalogue of Works 1925/7. Replying on 10 December Frank asked VW not to send the parts to his correspondent, since they were available on hire only and to do so would entail loss of the hiring fees for both OUP and VW and also OUP’s Australian agent. If VW would let him have the correspondent’s name and address they would contact him.