Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edward J. Dent

Letter No. VWL334

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edward J. Dent

Letter No.: VWL334

13 Cheyne Walk,

[April 1911]

Dear Dent

Gray1 asks me to write and choose between two dates for taking a rehearsal at Camb: – May 11th wd suit me the best of the two dates he suggests.
I enclose a list (given me by Borsdorf2) of the windplayers who played my S.S.3  at Oxford (most of them also at Leeds) – so if they played at Camb: it wd all make for a better performance. I never thanked you for your kind letter about R. Gatty4  – he is now in London & is getting a certain amount of musical criticism to do – so I hope he will get into that permanently soon.
Yours very truly

R. Vaughan Williams

1. Alan Gray, conductor of the Cambridge University Musical Society.
2. Probably Adolf Borsdorf, horn player, whose name is written on the manuscript of VW’s incomplete horn sonata.

3. A Sea Symphony, Catalogue of Works 1909/3, due to be given in June 1911 (see R.V.W.: a biography, p.95).
4. René Gatty. See VWL333.