Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edward J. Dent

Letter No. VWL409

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edward J. Dent

Letter No.: VWL409

13 Cheyne Walk,
Chelsea, S.W.

[About 1 October 1914]

Dear Dent

With many misgivings as to whether I ought to I send the string parts of slow movement of my symph – with (I think) enough music paper & the short score. If you want more music paper send me a card.
The score consists of
Fl: I & II                       Trumpet I.II.                      Cellos (divisi)
Fl. III                            Trombone I & II                C.Bass
Ob I.II                          Trombone III & Tuba
Cor ang:                       Timpani
Clar I & II                    G.C. & piatti
Bass clar                      Jingles1
Fag I & II                    1 Harp part (2 players)
Contra fag                   v.I
Cor I.II                        v.II
Cor III.IV                    violas (divisi)

I saw Denis Browne2 yesterday & he thought I might be some possible use to you looking through your book3 – of course if I could do anything in that way I should be proud.


1. The percussion comprised includes triangle, tam-tam, sleigh bells, cymbals and glockenspiel.
2. Composer, conductor and organist at Guy’s Hospital, killed at Gallipoli in 1915 (see R.V.W.: a biography pp. 112, 421). He had taken part in the Wasps in 1909 – see also VWL348, VWL349, VWL413, VWL414.
3. Mozart’s Operas: a critical study, which had been published the year before. Dent took up VW’s offer to read and comment on it; see VWL351.