Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edward J. Dent

Letter No. VWL413

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edward J. Dent

Letter No.: VWL413

13 Cheyne Walk,
Chelsea, S.W.

[c.12th October 1914]

Dear Dent

I won’t attempt to thank you any more – but am sending you the short score of no IV  & some more music paper.1 I think that that is best to do – as there is only 1 set of wind parts from which my wife & I & occasionally Denis Browne are copying I & II – then later on we can put in the string parts of I & II & release the wind parts for you to put in as much as you like of.
The score of no IV is
Fl. I II
___ III
Ob: I II
Cor angl
Cl. I & II
B. Clar
Fag I II
C. Fag
Horns I & II
___ III & IV
Trumpets I & II
Cornets I & II
Trombones I & II
Trombone III & Tuba
Δle & S. Drum2
G.C. & Ptti
Tam Tam


R. Vaughan Williams

1. See VWL349, VWL350, VWL409 &c. Dent was assisting in copying parts and score of the London Symphony which had been lost. See R.V.W.: a biography,  pp.113,114; Catalogue of Works p.73.
2. i.e. Triangle and side drum