Letter from Maud Karpeles to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL598

Letter from Maud Karpeles to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL598

12 January 1926

Dear Dr. Vaughan Williams,

Is the market price really so low or is it your principles?
I feel that a Society of the standing of the E.F.D.S. ought not to indulge in ‘cheap’ singing-lessons.  In any case you have forgotten the lecture. If there has to be a detailed account I should make it out as follows: –
 6 singing lessons 12 12
1 rehearsal 1 1
arranging 2 dances  3 3
Lecture 5 5
Conducting singing at Festival  4 4
  £26 5 0
If you are not satisfied can we discuss it after the show on Thursday?  In the meantime I return your cheque.
In any case, can Douglas1 and I have a talk with you.  I don’t know what time the show will be over, but perhaps we could have dinner together afterwards.  There is the Scala and several other things I want to talk to you about.  After all, I am going to ask you to go to Taunton on Easter Monday.  I will explain further when we meet.
Yours sincerely

1. Douglas Kennedy succeeded Cecil Sharp as Director of the English Folk Dance Society.