Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Denys Kilham Roberts

Letter No. VWL1886

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Denys Kilham Roberts

Letter No.: VWL1886

The White Gates,

April 29 [1945]

Dear Mr Kilham Roberts

I really think you must let me off. I had no idea when I had the honour to be chosen President of the Composers Guild that any ornamental functions would be expected of me – indeed I think that I stipulated, as I usually do, that nothing of this kind should be expected of me.
I am already, rather against my will, attending a meeting of the Composers Guild and making a “short speech” & I really think that is all that could be expected of me.
I am no good at these ornamental functions & if the Ctee wish willing will willingly resign in favour of some more ornamental figure who would be an ornament to the occasion.  I suggest Sir Granville Bantock.
Yrs sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams