Letter from Gilmour Jenkins to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL2613

Letter from Gilmour Jenkins to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL2613

19th Jan. 1953

My dear Ralph,

(If I may drop the “Uncle”)
Indeed you have my blessing, my very warm blessing and congratulations.  I am sure it is absolutely & completely right for both of you.  You already make one another supremely happy and you can preserve and enhance that by being married.
As for me there are no words to express what I think of your generosity in asking me to be with you.  It means more to me than I can say – but not more than you can understand – to be able to share your home, and I accept your wonderful offer with great gratitude.  That you should want me to do so is the greatest compliment I can imagine.
My blessings on you,
Yours ever,


P.S.  I shouldn’t take any notice of what she says about an engagement ring – of course she ought to have one at the proper time.  We must not be dictated to.