Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Martin Shaw
Letter No. VWL4305
Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Martin Shaw
Letter No.: VWL4305
13, Cheyne Walk,
Chelsea, S.W.
Sunday [May 1915]
Dear Mr. Shaw
As you know I am getting a separation allowance & it would make me very happy if I could hand on a little of it to you for your sister in law. Ralph & I would like to help in this small way such a determined soldier as your brother.1
If I may I will send you £1 on the 1st of every month and I hope that you can send it on to your sister in law2 without any mentioning of names.
Ralph is leaving Watford on Monday for Saffron Walden so I shall be returning to no 13 then.
Yours very sincerely
Adeline Vaughan Williams
very many thanks for song of cuckoo3. I hope they will be much sung.
2033 2/4th F.A.
1. Julius Shaw.
2. Julius had married Emily Entwistle Stevenson in 1913.
3. Cuckoo first appeared in Shaw and Dearmer’s publication Song-Time: a book of Rhymes, Songs, Games, Hymns, and other music for all occasions in a child’s life (published 1915).
General Notes:
Date based on chronological presentation in British Library.
Location Of Original:
Shelfmark:MS Mus. 1767/3/1/1/12 (1)