Letter from Dorothy Longman to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL4595

Letter from Dorothy Longman to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL4595

35 Lansdowne Road,
Holland Park, W.11.

Friday [30 March 1923]

Dear Ralph
It has come this evening & so Sunday isn’t soon enough to thank you very very much.1 it’s really nice to have it now when I know how much it means already & how much more it is going to mean every time.
It’s a lovely addition to my library.
I hope to come back “better” from Wiltshire winds and rains! I’ve sent that envelope of letters to Fanny2 as she wanted it.

1. Probably the Romance and Pastorale for violin and piano, which VW had probably written before the war but which had now been published and dedicated to ‘D.M.L.’, i.e. the violinist Dorothy Longman. See also VWL4596, posted a week later.
2. Frances Farrer, a close family friend of VW. He often joined her and the Longmans on country walks.