Letter from Dorothy Longman to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL4596

Letter from Dorothy Longman to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL4596

35 Lansdowne Road,
Holland Park,

Ap. 8 [1923]

I’ve been playing them today, alone, for there’s no piano & besides I want you to be the first to play them with me.1 It’s wonderful that they have come & that they’re MINE now & for evermore.
Or can I play them at all I wonder – I shall try at any rate. You couldn’t have given me anything I should so like to have as your own music Ralph & it seems too good to be true. You have sometimes doubted if I should care so much for your music, apart from our friendship – but you & your music are not apart they are one & that is why both mean what they do to me; will you not understand & know this?
Thank you dear Ralph so very much for this last gift.

1. VW had dedicated his Romance and Pastorale for violin and piano to Dorothy – see VWL4595.