Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Robert Müller-Hartmann

Letter No. VWL2894

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Robert Müller-Hartmann

Letter No.: VWL2894

The White Gates

Oct 16 [?1942-1944]

Dear Mr Müller-Hartmann,
Here is still another job! – This time to score the enclosed for strings & organ – The orchestra large but largely good – amateur – the chorus a large body of County Council scholars. There is no necessity to make a special organ part – but just mark the score Col or senza organo – & mark one of the enclosed copies “organ part” & mark it “Tacet” or “play”. My feeling is that with a probably rather weak body of strings & that huge hall the organ will be wanted most of the time.
I can only squeeze £5-5-0 out of the publishers for this.
Wd you care to undertake it?
If so it ought to have priority over ‘Songs of Travel’ as it is wanted soon.
Yrs sincerely
R Vaughan Williams