Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Lady Jessie Wood

Letter No. VWL2152

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Lady Jessie Wood

Letter No.: VWL2152

The White Gates

Jan 31 [1947]

Dear Lady Wood

I cannot remember ever having had a letter from Rachmaninoff – If I had I shd certainly have treasured it.  If M. Moieswitch1 can remember the phrase he wishes to quote, or has a copy he is at liberty, of course, to quote it2
Yrs sincerely

R Vaughan Williams

1. Benno Moiseiwitsch.
2. Rachmaninoff had played his 2nd Piano Concerto at Sir Henry Wood’s Jubilee Concert in 1938 and of course heard VW’s Serenade at it. The letter in question was one of appreciation of the piece which Moiseiwitsch wished to quote in a programme note he was writing for a concert organised by Lady Jessie Wood. Sir Henry had sent it to VW to see and VW had returned it (see VWL1403).  The letter is preserved in the papers of Sir Henry Wood in the British Library. See BL Add MS 56422, f. 164 for a copy of Lady Jessie Wood’s acknowledgement of VWL2152.
Year date added in pencil.