Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No. VWL684

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No.: VWL684


Sunday [October 1939]

My Dear

I never answered your last letter. I really have been rather busy – with internees & evacuees & low-brow concerts for the troops!
How sad about the flat  – what memories1 – but there must be another flat and more memories.
I thank you so much for the Canadian documents.2 I have written twice to Rosemary now – but had no answer yet.
The tall beauty still comes once a week for a 6d stamp. She takes my advances in rather a perfunctory spirit “All in the day’s work” – still she does not reject them.
I wonder where and how you are – I am very well & the carrots and turnips flourish.
Love from


PS Müller-Hartmann is home again.3

1. Ursula Wood had sub-let the flat in Thayer Street.
2. VW had possibly been trying to arrange for a refugee to emigrate to Canada.
3. Robert Müller-Hartmann, a composer and refugee from Germany, has been interned. He and his wife were living with the Hornsteins in Dorking. See VWL1450 footnote 1 for further letters concerning him.