Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Editor of The Daily Chronicle

Letter No. VWL5134

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Editor of The Daily Chronicle

Letter No.: VWL5134

13 Cheyne-Walk,

Saturday 26 May, 1906

Mr. R. Vaughan Williams writes:
Owing to absence from home, I have only just seen Mr. Cecil Sharp’s article on folk-tune.  As a collector, in a small way, of folk-songs myself, I am delighted to see the distinction between the genuine folk-tune and the “composed song” so clearly stated.  No one who has ever heard a folk-song sung in its original environment could fail to see the wide gulf between these two classes of melody.  The confusion of class is not confined to England.  In a well-known German collection of “Volks-lieder”, among many beautiful examples of genuine folk-tunes from all Europe England is represented by “Home, Sweet Home”!