Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Patrick Hadley

Letter No. VWL3022

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Patrick Hadley

Letter No.: VWL3022

The White Gates,

8th June, 1949

Dear Paddy

I did enjoy myself the other day. Your hospitality was wonderful and Mullinar1 played magnificently.
Have you any objection to my telling Alan Frank of the O.U.P. of the remote possibility of a performance at Cambridge, or would you rather I kept it quite secret for the present? I think if he knew, he might be helpful.2
Now here is something else quite different. Is there in your music library at Cambridge a copy of “Treatise on Fugue” by Gedalge.3 I have to reissue my article on Fugue for Groves Dictionary and I want to quote what Gedalge says about how a subject ought to be divided up. He calls the beginning of a subject its head, but I cannot remember what he says further. I have lost my copy of the book.
Could you get some willing and competent scribe to copy out what he says about the head &c. of the subject?


Dr Hadley,
King’s Lynn.

Note from recipient to Charles Cudworth:

I wonder if you would be kind enough to comply with this request. I told the OM I felt sure that you would be delighted to.

1.  Michael Mullinar.
2.  Hadley had expressed a private hope that a performance of Pilgrim’s Progress could be arranged at Cambridge. See VWL2976. See also VWL3113.
3.  André Gédalge, Traité de la fugue (Paris 1901). VW admired this work greatly – see VWL1461.