Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Major Percy S.G. O’Donnell

Letter No. VWL1364

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Major Percy S.G. O’Donnell

Letter No.: VWL1364

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Jan 20 [1940]

Dear Major O’Donnell1

Thank you very much for your letter.  I shd like to cooperate again if possible. I have asked the OUP2 to send you the score to my “Running Set” for you to look at and see if it wd arrange for M.B.  – Meanwhile I will try & do another suite and think up some more march tunes.  Meanwhile I shd like if possible some other composers folk-song arrangements to be done, if there are any – Has not Gerrard Williams done a Folk song suite for M.B?3
As regards my suite, if it is wanted soon would it be possible for me to make a short score and the M.B. arrangement to be done by Gerrard Williams or Wright?4
Yrs sincerely

R Vaughan Williams

1. Director of the BBC Military Band.
2. Oxford University Press.
3. See VWL1359. “M.B.” is military band.
4. On all this see VWL1617. VW was to give a talk on Folk Song, illustrated with tunes played by the BBC Military Band. This took place on 27th March 1940 at 9.35pm.