Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Hubert Foss (OUP)

Letter No. VWL1359

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Hubert Foss (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL1359

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Jan 20 [1940]

Dear Foss

In answer to your various letters
(1)  I am planning a str 4tet – or rather 4tet playable on any instrument – but primarily for strings for your “Haus-Musik” series1
(2) P.K.2  I suggest that someone shd prepare a cantata on the lines of Windsor Forest3  & submit it to me
(3) I leave the matter of terms with Boosey & Hawkes in your hands.
(4) Concerto I suggest Concerto in D minor for vn & str orch (Concerto accademico)4
(5) (a)  The Hymn of Freedom will not do for SATB
 (b) On 2d thoughts I suggest your getting it done & sent for my approval5
(6)  (Not in answer to a letter) O’Donnell wants some more F. S. stuff from me for M. B. I have …6

1. This became Household Music: Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes (Catalogue of Works, 1940/4).
2. The Poisoned Kiss (Catalogue of Works, 1936/4).
3. Catalogue of Works, 1928/3b.
4. It is not clear why VW was discussing the title of this work (Catalogue of Works, 1925/7) with Oxford University Press in 1940.
5. The Hymn of Freedom (Catalogue of Works, 1939/5) was published by Oxford University Press as one of two contributions by VW to Five Wartime Hymns (Catalogue of Works, 1942/2) but does not seem in the end to have ever been arranged for SATB.
6. For an account of VW’s discussions with Major P.S.G. O’Donnell, Director of the B.B.C. Military Band, see VWL1617 and VWL1361. VW meant by “F.S. stuff” arrangements of similar but not identical music for military. It is not clear that anything came of the idea.