Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Harriet Cohen

Letter No. VWL1042

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Harriet Cohen

Letter No.: VWL1042

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

[28 January 1933]

Dearest Harriet

Welcome home!
The 2 young women who play my concerto part are
Vally Lasker
103 Talgarth Road
Barons Court W.
(no telephone)

Nora Day (address unknown)

also there’s
Helen Bidder (address unknown)

– But they all teach at St Pauls Girls School & so you cd write or ring up there.  The orchestral accomp has been altered in places so that copy is not quite correct – but the number of bars is the same – so perhaps it won’t matter – or wd you like to send it here to correct?1
May I come one day & listen?
Love from


P.S.  If you ever look at the Radio Times look at the new number out today – p.13. middle column2

P.P.S.  I tried to ring you up twice this morning but cd get no reply
1076-50 = 10263

1. Harriet Cohen had apparently asked who might be able to provide the accompaniment (arranged for piano by Vally Lasker) to help her prepare it for the first performance on 1 February.
2. VW had written to The Radio Times complaining about some comments in a notice for a Wireless Singers choral concert of music by, inter alios, Arnold Bax.  See VWL1030.
3. A continuing allusion to the outstanding balance of the reward of ‘10,000 kisses’ for the concerto.