Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Editor of the Radio Times

Letter No. VWL1030

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Editor of the Radio Times

Letter No.: VWL1030


6th January 1933

I notice a curious error in your issue of December 16. In discussing a concert of compositions by Arnold Bax and various continental composers you state that: ‘Arnold Bax is clearly in place in this distinguished company’. I take it that the sentence was meant to express that the other composers were not unworthy of a place beside Arnold Bax. Personally I do not consider that most of the names on that programme are worthy to stand beside Bax, but this of course is a matter of opinion.
R. Vaughan Williams.

[The other composers mentioned in the context referred to by Dr. Vaughan Williams were Szymanowski, Schönberg, Conrad Beck, Norbert von Hannenheim, Hindemith, Poulenc and Stravinsky. – EDITOR, The Radio Times]