Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No. VWL1027

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No.: VWL1027

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

[29th December 1932]

Dear Diana

What a lovely present – I couldn’t make out what it was at first – but Bob1 explained its uses to me.
It is nice to be back home & hard at work (My dear, don’t you over work yourself so terribly – but I know its no use my saying that). I spent Boxing day in Wales conducting Welsh miners & their wives (most of them out of work, poor things) – but fearfully keen & sang really splendidly – ½ a programme of mine2 – then the Brahms requiem then the Sanctus from the B minor3 & a lot of speeches in the middle during which they presented me with a fountain pen which I am now using to write to you with.
Good bye & much love – we must meet soon
Uncle Ralph

1. Robert de Ropp – see VWL914.
2. The concert included Toward the Unknown Region and Four hymns for tenor, viola and orchestra; see VWL3873 and VWL4602.
3. J.S. Bach’s Mass in B minor.