Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Gerald Finzi

Letter No. VWL914

Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Gerald Finzi

Letter No.: VWL914

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Monday [18th May 1931]

Dear Mr Finzi

Thank you very much indeed for the information you collected.  It all helps to make up our minds as to Bob’s1 course. We are all actually going to London from Whit Monday to the following Saturday. We wonder if you wd at all care to occupy this house whilst we are away –

Our maid or her mother wd look in every morning to send off letters but not work so it wd be a picnic life & perhaps too great a bother for you –  But if you sd think of it could you come next Thursday for the night like last time & we could show you where things are –
Yours sincerely

Adeline VW

1. Robert de Ropp, a distant relative of Adeline’s who had returned from Australia after trying to become a sheep farmer. The VWs financed the remainder of his education (UVW). On his stay with the VWs see the chapter entitled ‘Gentle warriors’ in his book Warrior’s Way, (Nevada City, 1992), pp.39-48.