Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No. VWL1241

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No.: VWL1241

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

[13th May 1934]

Dear Diana

I loved your letter about the Fest & all – We’ve had some delightful appreciations from Mrs Blake, Allen, Steuart & Billy1 about ‘The Dream’2. It was lovely having you here & you must come & see us on your way to Madagascar. You must go – It will be the saving of you & the only way is to cut the cable & run. – I think I shall have to come & take you!
Love from
Uncle Ralph

1. Letters from Elgar’s daughter (Carice Blake), Sir Hugh Allen, Steuart Wilson and W.H. Reed, leader of the orchestra. Wilson’s and Reed’s letters are quoted in R.V.W.: a biography, p.198-9. See VWL1237 and VWL1238.
2. The Dream of Gerontius performed at the 25th Leith Hill Musical Festival on 20th April, with Astra Desmond, Steuart Wilson and Harold Williams as soloists.