Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No. VWL3388

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL3388

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

April 22nd 1956.

Dear Frank,1

Will this do?2
“The original setting of this work is for the Latin words: the English version is offered as an alternative….” 


1. Music Editor at Oxford University Press in succession to Norman Peterkin (1947); Head of Music from 1954 until his retirement in 1975.
2. In responding to VWL3359, Frank agreed to take on A Choral Flourish (Catalogue of Works 1956/2) but quibbled at the original note added by VW to the score ‘The English version [of Ps. 22]  is allowable but not advisable’ as being too discouraging and therefore inhibit sales. He asked VW if he could provide a less discouraging formula and gladly accepted the solution proposed in this letter. ‘Will this do?’ in the hand of VW.