Letter from Alan Bush to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL3760

Letter from Alan Bush to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL3760

4th October 1955.

Dr. R. Vaughan Williams, O.M.
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park, N.W.1.

Dear Dr. Vaughan Williams,

Thank you very much for your most kind letter of 2nd October.  Acting upon your suggesting, I telephoned to Herbert Howells, but unfortunately he is unable to speak on November 17th.

We are most anxious to devote the first of the composition-teaching series to Stanford, and in these circumstances I am taking advantage of your very great kindness in not saying ‘no’.  I do appreciate that this will mean a real sacrifice on your part, but I am sure that the cause is indeed a good one, and the occasion important.  We would of course hope that you will speak on your own general views, especially on the subject of nationalism, during the course of the evening,  Owing to a previous engagement Sir Arthur Bliss is not available to take the Chair, and so we are now approaching Gerald Finzi.

On behalf of the Concourse, please allow me to express our very great appreciation of your help.

Yours very sincerely,