Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael Calvocoressi

Letter No. VWL168

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael Calvocoressi

Letter No.: VWL168

13 Cheyne Walk
London S.W

Sept 3rd [1909]

Dear Mr Calvocoressi

I am sorry to have troubled you with a telegram – But I have decided to produce my 4tet at a concert here and we want it at once for rehearsal.  If you think of doing it in Paris I will have another copy made for you.1
Meanwhile I am sending you my quintet (a much earlier work).2
Yrs very truly

R. Vaughan Williams

1. See VWL167. A performance of the Quartet in G minor, Catalogue of Works 1908/9, was to be given by the Schwiller Quartet on 8th November at a meeting of the Society of British Composers and thereafter on 15th November at the Aeolian Hall.
2. Quintet in C minor for pianoforte, violin, viola, violoncello and double bass, Catalogue of Works 1903/13, which had first been performed in 1905.