Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Herbert Thompson

Letter No. VWL371

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Herbert Thompson

Letter No.: VWL371

13 Cheyne Walk

June 8th [1911]

Dear Mr Thompson1

I am sending you a proof copy of my new work for Worcester.2 The songs have been written at odd times during the last five years.  They have been thoroughly revised lately and the song No 3 ‘Love bade me welcome’ was written early this year.
The orchestration is unobtrusive but I hope adequate.  Trombones are used only in No 2 & No 5.  A harp is used in Nos 1, 2, & 4.
I have added a few notes to the pianoforte score as to the details of scoring.
Yours very truly

R. Vaughan Williams

1.  Music critic operating from the late 19th century to the late 1930s.
2. Five Mystical Songs, Catalogue of Works 1911/2, was first performed at Worcester, in the Three Choirs Festival, on 14th September 1911.