Letter from the Moravian Church Agency to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL391

Letter from the Moravian Church Agency to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL391

Moravian Church and Mission Agency
32, Fetter Lane.
London E.C.

Dec. 31st 1913

Dear Sir,

                                      re Moravian Church Hymnal

The selection committee for the above have arranged with Athelstan Riley, Esq., on behalf of the English Hymnal for the use of the tune “Randolph” in this new hymnal.
Our musical editors ask me now to submit the tune in enclosed form for approval as they propose to slightly alter the harmonization of lines 1 and 4 to avoid consecutive 5ths and octaves.  Referring to the English Hymnal, we found the tune entered there as Anonymous and consequently we addressed our application to Athelstan Riley, Esq., but he tells us now that he believes you were the composer, so I venture to pass the question on to you for your consideration and approval or otherwise.
Awaiting the favour of your kind reply,
I am, dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,

 H. Osborne Essir.

1. The tune ‘Randolph’, no.524 in the English Hymnal, was indeed by VW and was acknowledged as such in the 1933 edition.  It duly appeared as no.784 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1914, but with unchanged harmonies! It was named after his cousin and closest friend, Ralph Wedgwood, whom he always called Randolph.