Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edwin Evans

Letter No. VWL397

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edwin Evans

Letter No.: VWL397

13 Cheyne Walk
Chelsea, S.W.

[About 4th April 1914]

Dear Evans

Thankyou very much for your ‘outlook’ article – which I think was splendid (though I suppose I says it as shouldn’t)? – but I wish sometime, if you have time, you’d act Devils Advocate to me privately & write me your criticisms – I shd value these very much.1
Yrs very truly

R. Vaughan Williams

1. Evans was music critic of the Pall Mall Gazette. His interest in and support for contemporary English music was important for composers such as VW. Evans contributed an article to the issue of The Outlook on 4th April 1914 quoted by Michael Kennedy in Works of Vaughan Williams p.110-111.