Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edwin Evans

Letter No. VWL496

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Edwin Evans

Letter No.: VWL496

13 Cheyne Walk

Thursday [11 May 1922]

Dear Evans

I fear I have hurt your feelings – & I suppose it cdnt be helped – I dislike doing so very much – because you know that I admire all the work you have done so much
I hope however you will give me the credit
(a) of being honest
(b) of having taken the least agreeable and more difficult course – Because obviously the easiest and pleasantest thing for me wd have been to have gone in with the rest, or if I did not, to say nothing about it, in which case neither you nor anyone else wd have noticed the omission.
What the opinion of the promoters are I do not know – but I cannot see that a composer cd possibly make a presentation to a critic (among other things) without the obvious inference being drawn – (that we are publicly thanking you for praising us)
By the way I did not say that the public etc wd recognize you but that they were the people who ought to recognize you since it is, at all events theoretically, for their sake not for ours that you have propagandized – so I still feel that1 much as I feel that your work ought to be publicly recognized that that1 it is emphatically not the composer who can promote it.2
Yrs very sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

1. repeated in original.
2. See VWL495.