Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Evelyn Sharp

Letter No. VWL660

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Evelyn Sharp

Letter No.: VWL660

13 Cheyne Walk

Feb 23 [1929]

Dear Miss Sharp

Please forgive my not answering before – I have been absolutely full up with my opera at the c.m. in altering – adding – subtracting etc – also attending lots of rehearsals.1  But I feel a little freer now so when I find I am not wanted at rehearsal may I write or ring you up?
Also I have to confess that I have temporarily mislaid the sketch for a duet you sent me2 – I hope you have another copy – but if not it can’t have run away of itself & is probably in some extra safe place –
Yours sincerely

R Vaughan Williams

1. Sir John in Love was to be performed at the Royal College of Music on 21st March.
2. For the opera The Poisoned Kiss.