Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No. VWL1018

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No.: VWL1018

The College Inn
Bryn Mawr

24th October 1932

My dear Diana

Did I ever thank you for the lovely book marker – it was dear of you to send it.
I’m getting on fairly well here – everyone is v. kind. I’ve given my first lecture and it seemed quite successful – about 800 people in a large gothic hall “very English” as they proudly say!
You’ll never guess what I did yesterday – I went to a supper party where we all sat round (about 50) and sang Brahms’ Requiem – not at all bad. A rich lawyer, a nice rough kind of American, violently keen on Brahms – & told us all Brahms’ life history between the numbers – then a very good sup with “near-beer” and “near-cider” to drink.
Let me have another letter sometime to cheer me up.
I’ve heard the Boston Symph: & Philadelphia orch: now I hear the N.Y. orch tonight.
Love from

Uncle Ralph

1. VW was in Bryn Mawr to give the Mary Flexner Lectures on the Humanities, published in 1934 by Oxford University Press as National Music.