Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Imogen Holst

Letter No. VWL1019

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Imogen Holst

Letter No.: VWL1019

College Inn
Bryn Mawr

[About 1st November 1932]

Dear Imogen

Thank you so much for your card – which came, for some reason, a day later than the avalanche.1 I go to New York on the 12th for 2 nights  & will duly pronounce your blessing on it – the chief thing I noticed as I passed through was that the Woolworth Bdg is now quite insignificant
I have to stand up before a class the day after each lecture & be heckled by a crowd of young women – who ask me “what I meant by” then they refer to their note books – I’ve come off fairly unscathed up to the present.2
Give my love to Vicky if you are still staying with her.3

Uncle Ralph

1. i.e. of all the letters of birthday wishes on his 60th birthday on 12th October 1932.
2. VW was giving a series of lectures in the USA. See VWL1018.
3. Victoria Reid, later Mrs Leonard Ingrams, with whom Imogen Holst was staying in Scotland.