Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No. VWL1153

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No.: VWL1153

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

[?summer 1931]

O my dearest child to think that you should ever be frightened that I should laugh at you – or that I don’t like poetry – or that I shouldn’t like to hear it well read. If I really am all that you did quite right to hide any amount of truth from me – & I should not be worthy to be your ‘particular friend’.
I know I did once laugh a little bit about verse speaking – but it was only to tease you – you can’t seriously believe that I don’t think that poetry together with music & one or two other things make up what is worth having in life (friendship is another) and of course I believe really that for people to speak good poetry aloud is often the only way to get at its beauty – & even if sometimes they sound rather absurd to jaded prigs like me – what do we matter (its just like the folk dancing or choral singing – very often the result is nothing much to hear or see but it makes the soul of those who do it – & that is what matters). So my darling Diana do forgive me if I have ever seriously laughed at such a sacred thing as artistic self expression.
So please let me share your mind – because your mind is as beautiful as your face and unless you can let me do that you must feel there is something wrong with me – & I don’t want you to do that – we must have no “inhibitions” (as the jargon goes).
It was lovely seeing you even for a little bit – & more lovely to think that we shall be together during fest: week – only ought you really to go to all that expense? It worries me to think that perhaps I have let you in for it.
I had a letter from Saliva1 apologizing for the Magnif!2 – I have ½ a mind to suggest a small chorus for it – but in that case could I make a special proviso that you were to be in it?
By the way you never told me anything about your visit to Aldershot – I was frightfully interested & want to hear more about it.
Well, goodbye dear Diana, & try to forgive me for ever having laughed at anything you held precious – which is an unforgivable thing to do – & try to believe that I do believe in beautiful things & that therefore I believe in you.
Love from

Uncle Ralph

1. Sir Ivor Atkins was often referred to  in VW’s circles as ‘Saliva’.
2. Magnificat, Catalogue of Works 1932/2, which was to be performed at the Worcester Three Choirs Festival on 8 September 1932. See also VWL999.