Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Mrs Jenkins

Letter No. VWL1215

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Mrs Jenkins

Letter No.: VWL1215

September 20 [1938]

Dear Mrs. Jenkins

I see that I retire from the committee on Dec 3rd and have decided not to offer myself for re-election.
A strong opposition on a committee is, I think, a good thing, but a weak opposition only causes friction and wastes time.  I feel that a large majority of the Ctee feel differently from me on many points of policy.  While I am on the committee I cannot, naturally, help expressing my disagreement on these matters.  If I withdraw I feel that the absence of criticism will cause the committee to consider even more than before the results of their decisions before making them.
If the committee wish me to remain as musical adviser I am willing to do so, provided that this does not presuppose agreement with their general policy.
I should also be very grateful if the Ctee would allow me to remain on the Editorial board of the Journal.
I need hardly say that if I find I am mistaken, & the policy with which I disagree turns out in my opinion to be right I shall be the first to acknowledge it –
(signed) R Vaughan Williams

1. Inez M. Jenkins was secretary of the English Folk Dance and Song Society.