Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No. VWL1272

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No.: VWL1272

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Sunday [?5th August 1934]

My Dear

What lovely socks! I didn’t know you had that up your sleeve1 & how dear of you to write – you know I always love getting your letters.
I’m still in bed though perfectly well as the Dr absolutely refuses to let me stir till the place is quite healed.
I am so glad you are going to have a real holiday – perhaps that will help heal all the wounds?2 – & I do know what you mean about all that – but you mustn’t think about that side of it – that is just fate and we can never tell which of our actions are going to fit in with the right side of fate & which with the wrong side – so promise me, my dear, that you won’t blame yourself in any way – you have quite enough to bear without that.
It will be lovely seeing you at Gloucester – I know nothing about any choral rehearsals yet – not worth while for the Magnif: – but I am rather nervous about the Holst “Te Deum” which I have got to conduct. I’m sorry you don’t like the Ode. I thought I did when I heard it over the wireless.3
How exciting about selling the house4 – though it must be awful for you to have to move out after so many years. I’m glad I saw the gardens.
Now I don’t want you to worry any more about the old Welsh Songs – I ought not to have asked you to do them when you have so many other things to do – & I don’t want to add one straw to all you have to do. So hand the old things back as they are & I’ll take something up out of our joint efforts.5
Love from

Uncle Ralph

1. Presumably the ability to knit.
2. Arising from her brother’s death
3. Possibly Holst’s Ode to Death, op.38, H144.
4. Kings Hill, Dursley, Gloucestershire.
5. Possibly a preparation for the Stinchcombe or Leith Hill Musical Festivals.