Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No. VWL1314

Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No.: VWL1314


Sep 29 [1934]

Dear Diana
Uncle R was magnificent on Thursday – O how thankful I was when he was safely through! I dreaded his falling – for he is so unsafe still. He sat to conduct – otherwise I think it would have been too dangerous. I wish you could have been with us – I think the goldfish needn’t have been there the crowd was so great! (goldfish are only removed for Beethoven or Brahms).1
Uncle R was very tired – today he is better. We are in our usual refuge2 – but go home tomorrow.
He was so pleased with yr telegram – I am to thank you.
Much love

1. The reference to ‘goldfish’ at the Queens Hall may be a reference to the pond placed in the hall during Promenade Concerts in an attempt to reduce the temperature and aid crowd control in what had become a very crowded space. VW had conducted the first concert performance of The Running Set (Catalogue of Works 1933/3) at The Queen’s Hall on 27th September. See R.V.W.: a biography, p.202.
2. The Eversleigh Court Hotel.