Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Professor H.G. Fiedler

Letter No. VWL1331

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Professor H.G. Fiedler

Letter No.: VWL1331

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Sunday [26 June l938]

My Dear Professor

Thank you very much for your letter and the copy of the Rektors speech – also for the address of the artist! (By the way Herma tells me that you adopted a niece on your way home)  I don’t think we will worry about expenses – I had a splendid holiday owing to your goodness to me – & I enjoyed every moment (except the actual ceremony). Do you think I might write to Herr Toepfer?1  I was so sorry to miss him.
I wish I could have been present when your university paid you a well deserved honour.
Yrs very sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

1.  Alfred Toepfer, founder of the Hanseatic Foundation which had established the Shakespeare Prize. VW had been awarded the Prize and had travelled to Germany to receive it.