Letter from Henry Wood to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL1415

Letter from Henry Wood to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL1415

Four Grand Avenue,

April 16th, 1940.

Dear Mr Vaughan Williams

                                        PROMENADE CONCERTS 1940

I should like very much to include your five chorus’s and if it is not too late in the season I propose September 10th, providing it can remain a first performance.  The chorus should be a very good band of singers and is being prepared by Charles Proctor, under my guidance – so that you may rest assured of your work receiving every possible attention.  Would you direct them?
Naturally, I should like to have the chorus parts at the earliest moment, as I want them to learn them by heart (if that were possible) so that should you agree to the date, please get the parts through with your own markings for the chorus, and I will see to it that your wishes are carried out.
The exact title, will be helpful at your early convenience as I am getting along quickly as the management want to get the prospectus out very soon.1
With kindest regards,
Sincerely yours,

signed.  Henry J. Wood.

1. The proposed performance of Six choral songs – in time of war, Catalogue of Works 1940/1, did not take place because of air-raids. Instead they were broadcast on 20 December.