Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to an unidentified correspondent

Letter No. VWL1426

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to an unidentified correspondent

Letter No.: VWL1426

June 12 1940

Dear Sir

In reply to your kind invitation I feel much honoured by your letter but I want to make it quite clear that I am not an authority on F.U. only a layman who strongly believes in it – if you would care for me to come and give you my reactions as “a man of the street” in favour of F.U. I shall be proud to do so.1
But I have not the power to give the correct answer to all questions & objections & I find that my questioners often know more than I do.
If all this is clearly understood & you still wish to honour me with your invitation I shall be pleased to accept – But if after this letter you think better of it I shall quite understand  I note the date: July 16th at Reigate.
Yrs sincerely,

R. Vaughan Williams

1. On VW and the Federal Union see VWL1608.