Letter from G.M. Trevelyan to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL1459

Letter from G.M. Trevelyan to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL1459

Garden Corner,
West Road,

Oct 8 1940

Dear VW

I cannot fail to answer you.1 Your scrawl means more to me than any one of the 70 letters I got this morning, nice as many of them are. And anything about Trinity recalls those treat days of ours in your Whewells Court room. Dear Maurice had the log book: Lucy has entrusted it to me now.2
They are gradually letting out academic anti-Fascists & anti-Nazis, but too slowly.3
Yrs ever


1. VW had written to Trevelyan congratulating him on his appointment as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. The letter is printed in RVW p.236. 
2.  The Log Book referred to by Trevelyan was of the reading party in Seatoller in 1895, which Maurice Amos had kept. Trevelyan arranged for photocopies to be made and distributed to all the surviving participants. The original he eventually passed to VW and it was eventually presented to the British Library by UVW.
3. Germans interned in Britain.