Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No. VWL1501

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No.: VWL1501

Sunday [Autumn 1940]

My Dear

This is grand about the yellow jacket and all.1
I don’t wonder he praised you to your face – he meant to praise your pretty face as all must wish to do – but some of them have to circumlocute (not me though- I’ve always gone straight to the point haven’t I?).
Here is a copy of “England” with my love.2
I address this to Berners – is that right?3
Love from


No, of course I haven’t “obliterated” you – I am always thinking of  you.

1. The yellow jacket probably refers to the jacket of the first volume UW’s poems No other choice, published in 1941, which is bound in yellow cloth and ??had a jacket of the same colour. See VWL1796.
2. England, My England, Catalogue of Works 1941/1.
3. Presumably to Berners Street