Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Leonard Isaacs (BBC)

Letter No. VWL1591

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Leonard Isaacs (BBC)

Letter No.: VWL1591

The White Gates

Nov 27 [1941]

Dear Mr. Isaacs

As regards the music of the 49th Parallel1 it won’t do as it stands, but I propose to make a Suite out of it.  If I could get it ready in time would you care to do a selection from that?
The only thing is that I have promised Muir Matheson that if I made a Suite out of the music he should conduct the first performance – At present the score is at Denham – I have asked the secretary to return it, but have had no answer as yet .
I was interested in what you tell me about my song being broadcast to Sweden.2
Yours sincerely

R Vaughan Williams

1. Catalogue of Works 1940/3.
2. England, my England which had been broadcast on 16th November.