Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Adine O’Neill

Letter No. VWL1615

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Adine O’Neill

Letter No.: VWL1615

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Dec 28 1941

Dear Mrs O’Neill

The professional musicians of Dorking and district have instigated a series of “Informal hours of music” on Wednesday afternoons. The admission is 1/- and the room holds about 150. The performers just pocket the ‘takings’ large or small as the case may be (less 10% for overhead expense). Up to the present we have had 3 very successful concerts and are encouraged to go on in the new year – would you honour us by playing at one of them? Either a whole programme or sharing it with a singer or violinist – I suggest the date Wednesday March 4 at 3.0 p.m. White House Assembly Room Dorking – the programme to last about an hour.
If you graciously concur, I have yet another request to make – we want composers as well as performers represented – There is living in Dorking a distinguished German composer, Robert Müller-Hartmann – He has written some short pfte pieces which I am told are very good – would you play a short group of these? (about 10 minutes)
As regards the instrument, we have been lent a very good Blüthner – not a full concert grand, but what I think is called a drawing room grand. Murdoch1 has played on it and pronounces it satisfactory.
I wish we could see you here one day and talk over old times, but communication is so difficult nowadays.
With as much happiness as is possible for the new year.

R. Vaughan Williams

1. The Australian pianist William Murdoch, who lived nearby at Holmbury St Mary.