Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No. VWL1656

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No.: VWL1656

[Sometime between 1938 and 1946]

My Dear

I think this is the best book on the whole (very confidentially a new book for troops only may be coming out soon – hush – hush)
Also easy part songs
Sea shanties arranged for men’s choirs by Terry1
Blow the man down        )      
Rio Grande                     )      Curwen
Santy Anna                     )      24 Berners Street
Shenandoah (?) etc         )

Choruses for men’s voices  
from Beggars opera      )        Boosey &
arr. By Austin                )       Hawkes
Let us take the Road     )       295 Regent Street
Fill every glass etc2

1.   Sir Richard Runciman Terry, organist of Westminster Cathedral.
2.   Check text of Beggars Opera.