Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to G.R. Barnes at the BBC

Letter No. VWL1863

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to G.R. Barnes at the BBC

Letter No.: VWL1863

The White Gates,

Feb 8 1944

Dear Sir

I had very little acquaintance with Elgar – I used to meet him for a few minutes once a year at the 3 choir festivals – he was always very kind & friendly – but we were never intimates
I am not the proper person to talk to about personal reminiscences1
Yrs faithfully

R Vaughan Williams

1.  VW had been asked to give a reminiscence of Elgar on the tenth anniversary of his death.  Although he refused on this occasion he did agree to contribute to a BBC commemorative programme on Elgar in 1957 – for a transcript of what he said then see VWL3505.