Letter from Ernest Irving to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL1977

Letter from Ernest Irving to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL1977

Ealing Studios Limited
Ealing Green
London W 5

2nd February, 1950.

R. Vaughan Williams Esq., O.M.
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Dear V-W

I don’t know if you feel you can spare the time for another film, but if you are inclined that way Ealing has an Australian picture completed which I should very much like you to see.
It is a very simple picture, called “Bitter Springs”, about an Australian pioneer who buys a plot in Central Australia, the trek thither, the building of the house, the trouble with the aborigines and the final fighting and settlement. The English dialogue is basic, and we have some fine recordings of aboriginal music.
There is a principle involved which makes it more than just another pioneer film, and your sincerity and dramatic genius might just turn it into a big picture if you are willing to consider it.
Could I have a pointer please?
Hoping you are fit and well.
Yours ever

Ernest Irving

1. In the event VW agreed to provide some thematic material, incuding a short piece he had entitled Irving’s March and other music he might have the time and inclination to compose for the film and also for Irving to extend, supplement and arrange the above and any suitable music he had already written for Joanna Godden or Scott of the Antarctic. The fee was £250. A copy of the contract is in UVW’s 1950 file. See VWL1978. See Catalogue of Works 50/2.