Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Miss Leslie (BBC)

Letter No. VWL2086

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Miss Leslie (BBC)

Letter No.: VWL2086

The White Gates,

Sep 20 [1950]

Dear Miss Leslie1

I have been obliged to write out the appeal again as nearly every sentence was spoilt by being truncated.2
Anyway I have been obliged to cut most of the “punch” out of it but I suppose this was inevitable.
I make it now 529 words   I will be with you 7.45 on Sunday 24th
Yrs sincerely

R Vaughan Williams

1.  Presumably organiser of appeals on the BBC.
2.  VW was appealing for public support of the Cecil Sharp House Reconstruction Fund, broadcast for the “Week’s Good Cause” programme of 26 September 1950.  For a letter to The Times making an appeal in the same cause the previous January see VWL1966.