Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No. VWL2205

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No.: VWL2205

Royal Opera House
Covent Garden London WC2


[13th March 1951]

My Dear

How dear of you to write me 2 letters. All goes well here – a rehearsal this mrning – I think L H1 will be all right – he knows his score well (much better than I do!!) & is able to listen & evidently the orchestra likes playing under him. Not much pep yet – but that is not what the rehearsal was for.
We did Act III & then just ran through Act I – I am pleased with Act III. Act I was harder to hear – my deafness seemed to get in the way – Steuart2 is doing me like a prince – he gave a lunch today to L. Hancock & his pretty little wife – (Iris Kells) who is to be the woodcutters boy – I’ve laid the foundations but not more yet!!
To night is Carmen.
Take care of yourself my dear – we meet on Sat!
I will look out for E. Rock3  – but I spend all the time I am not in the hotel in taxis.
All love


1. Leonard Hancock, who was to conduct the opera.
2. Steuart Wilson
3. i.e. Edinburgh Rock.