Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to John Barbirolli

Letter No. VWL2277

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to John Barbirolli

Letter No.: VWL2277

The White Gates,

Oct 6 1951

Dear John,

I am sending you under separate cover scores of my Pastoral & No 4 – If you approve will you ask the librarian to put it1 in the parts (Though of course you will not have time to think about it yet with all your “garden” work).2
In No 4 I have altered the last note of the slow movement from F to E♮ – I always felt the F was wrong – but cd not make out what the right note was –
Score of No 5 will follow shortly
I am not sending the score of Sea Symphony – but I think that with my fairly full direction your librarian will be able to find his way.
The London Symphony is past mending – though indeed with all its faults I love it still – indeed it is my favourite of my family of 6.

R. Vaughan Williams

1.  i.e. corrections in the full scores.
2.  Barbirolli was giving a complete cycle of VW’s (then) six symphonies over the ensuing season.  See VWL2274 and VWL2283.